PUBLICATIONS (2002-2023)
Ali M, Kerr AJ, Lee M, Chan DZL. What is the Statin Possession Ratio Cut-Off Which Identifies Those at Increased Risk Following Acute Coronary Syndrome?(ANZACS-QI 68) Heart, Lung & Circulation. 2023; 12:12.
Chan DZ, Grey C, Doughty RN, Lund M, Lee MAW, Poppe K, Harwood M, Kerr A. Widening ethnic inequities in heart failure incidence in New Zealand. Heart. 2023; 03:03.
Earle NJ, Poppe KK, Rolleston A, Pilbrow A, Aish S, Bradbury K, Choi Y, Devlin G, Gladding PA, Grey C, Harrison W, Henare K, Howson J, Kerr A, Lumley T, Pera V, Porter G, Stewart R, Troughton RW, Wihongi H, Richards AM, Cameron VA, Legget ME, Doughty RN. Prognostic modelling of clinical outcomes after first-time acute coronary syndrome in New Zealand. Heart. 2023; 109:1088-97.
Kerr AJ, Choi Y, Williams MJ, Stewart RA, White HD, Devlin G, Selak V, Lee MAW, El-Jack S, Adamson PD, Fairley S, Jackson RT, Poppe K. Paired risk scores to predict ischaemic and bleeding risk twenty-eight days to one year after an acute coronary syndrome. Heart. 2023; 09:09.
Kerr AJ, Choi YC, Pilmore HL. Invasive Management and Outcomes in Acute Coronary Syndromes and Chronic Kidney Disease (ANZACS-QI 70). Heart, Lung & Circulation. 2023; 32:968-77.
Liao YB, Lee M, Poppe KK, Kerr AJ, Stewart RAH. A Risk Model to Predict Statin Non-Adherence Following an Acute Coronary Syndrome. Heart, Lung & Circulation. 2023; 16:16.
Looi JL, Chan C, Pemberton J, Nankivell A, McLeod P, Webster M, To A, Lee M, Kerr AJ. External Validation of a Clinical Score to Differentiate Takotsubo Syndrome From Non-ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction in Women. Heart, Lung & Circulation. 2023; 32:696-701.
Miller R, Nixon G, Turner RM, Stokes T, Keenan R, Jiang Y, Grey C, Kerr A. Outcomes and access to angiography following non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndromes in patients who present to rural or urban hospitals: ANZACS-QI 72. New Zealand Medical Journal. 2023; 136:27-54.
Miller R, Nixon G, Turner R, Stokes T Keenan R, Grey C, Jiang Y, Wells S, Kerr A. Investigations and treatment after non-ST segment elevation acute coronary syndrome for patients presenting to rural or urban hospitals in Aotearoa New Zealand: ANZACS-QI 75. NZMJ 2023 136 (1585)
Holt A, Batinica B, Liang J, Kerr A, Crengle S, Hudson B, Wells S, Harwood M, Selak V, Mehta S, Grey C, Lamberts M, Jackson R, Poppe K. Development and validation of cardiovascular risk prediction equations in 76,000 people with known cardiovascular disease. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology 2023, doi:10.1093/eurjpc/zwad314
Tawfiq E, Pylypchuk R, Elwood M, McKeage M, Wells S, Selak V. Risk of cardiovascular disease in cancer survivors: A cohort study of 446,384 New Zealand primary care patients. Cancer Medicine 2023, doi:10.1002/cam4.6580
Tawfiq E, Selak V, Elwood JM, Pylypchuk R, Tin Tin S, Harwood M, Grey C, McKeage M, Wells S. Performance of cardiovascular disease risk prediction equations in over 14,000 cancer survivors in New Zealand primary care: a validation study. The Lancet 2023 January 23, S0140-6736(22)02405-9
Jackson R and Rodgers A. The ESH guidelines and missed prevention opportunities. The Lancet 2023 402: 1729-30.
Looi JL, Verryt T, McLeod P, Chan C, Pemberton J, Webster M, To A, Lee M, Kerr AJ. Type of Stressor and Medium-Term Outcomes After Takotsubo Syndrome: What Becomes of the Broken Hearted? (ANZACS-QI 59). Heart, Lung & Circulation. 2022; 31:499-507.
S Nahdi, J Skinner, B Freedman, J Gwynn, ML Lochen, L Neubeck, KK Poppe, B Rambaldini, A Rolleston, S Stavrakis, K Gwynne. One size does not fit all – a realist review of screening asymptomatic atrial fibrillation in Indigenous communities in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the USA. Int J Heart Rhythm 2023 (in press)
Brewer, K. M., Grey, C., Paynter, J., Winter-Smith, J., Hanchard, S., Selak, V., Harwood, M. What are the gaps in cardiovascular risk assessment and management in primary care for Māori and Pacific people in Aotearoa New Zealand? Protocol for a systematic review. BMJ open, 2022;12(6), e060145.
Wallis K, Taylor D; Fanueli E; Saravanakumar P; Wells S. Older peoples’ views on continuing and stopping cardiovascular medication: a qualitative study. Family Practice 2022 Jan 25;cmab186. doi: 10.1093/fampra/cmab186.
Chan DZL, Kerr A, Grey C, Selak V, Lee MAW, Lund M, Poppe K, Doughty RN. Contrasting trends in heart failure incidence in younger and older New Zealanders, 2006-2018. Heart. 2022; 108:300-6.
Foo FS, Lee M, Poppe KK, Clare GC, Stiles MK, Gavin A, Webber M, Jackson R, Kerr AJ. Guideline-Directed Medical Therapy Before and After Primary Prevention Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator Implantation in New Zealand (ANZACS-QI 66). Heart, Lung & Circulation. 2022; 20:20.
Foo FS, Stiles MK, Lee M, Looi KL, Clare GC, Webber M, Boddington D, Jackson R, Poppe KK, Kerr AJ. Ten-year trends in cardiac implantable electronic devices in New Zealand: a national data linkage study (ANZACS-QI 51). Internal Medicine Journal. 2022; 52:614-22.
Grey C, Jackson R, Wells S, Wu B, Pujades-Rodriguez M, Schmidt M, Selak V, Kerr AJ. Both incidence and prevalence of ischaemic heart disease are declining in parallel: a national data-linkage study in New Zealand (ANZACS-QI 52). European Journal of Preventive Cardiology. 2022; 29:321-7.
Lee P, Kerr AJ, Jiang Y, Zomer E, Liew D. Estimating the economic impact of acute coronary syndrome in New Zealand over time (ANZACS-QI 64): a national registry-based cost burden study. BMJ Open. 2022; 12:e056405.
Liao BY, Lee MAW, Dicker B, Todd VF, Stewart R, Poppe K, Kerr A. Prehospital identification of ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction and mortality (ANZACS-QI 61). Open Heart. 2022; 9:01.
McLachlan A, Kerr A, Lee M. A nurse-led and medically supported outpatient follow-up model following an acute coronary syndrome is as safe and effective as medical follow-up alone (ANZACS-QI 69. New Zealand Medical Journal. 2022; 135:12-28.
McLeod P, Coffey S, Sneddon K, Williams M, Kerr A, Pemberton J. Clinically Acquired High Sensitivity Cardiac Troponin T is a Poor Predictor of Reduced Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction After ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction: A National Cohort Study-ANZACS-QI 65. Heart, Lung & Circulation. 2022; 31:1513-23.
Wei D, Somaratne JB, Lee M, Kerr A. Revascularisation and outcomes after acute coronary syndromes in patients with prior coronary artery bypass grafting-ANZACS-QI 67. New Zealand Medical Journal. 2022; 135:70-81.
V Tragante, A Pilbrow, KK Poppe. Editorial: Improving early detection and risk prediction in heart failure. Front Cardiovasc Med, May 2022;
Cooper, H., Wells, S., & Mehta, S. (2022). Are competing-risk models superior to standard Cox models for predicting cardiovascular risk in older adults? Analysis of a whole-of-country primary prevention cohort aged≥ 65 years. International Journal of Epidemiology, 51(2), 604-614.
Cai K, Wu B, Mehta S, Harwood M, Grey C, Dalbeth N, Wells S, Jackson R, Poppe K The association between gout and cardiovascular disease outcomes: a data linkage study of 940,000 New Zealanders without prior cardiovascular disease. BMJ Medicine 2022 Jun 22;1(1):e000081.
McNaugton, H., Gommans, J., McPherson, K., Harwood, M., & Fu, V. A cohesive, person-centric evidence-based model for successful rehabilitation after stroke and other disabling conditions. Clinical Rehabilitation. 2022: 2692155221145433
Herrett, E., H. Strongman, S. Gadd, L. Tomlinson, D. Nitsch, K. Bhaskaran, E. Williamson, T. van Staa, R. Sofat, A. Timmis, S. Wells, L. Smeeth and R. Jackson. The importance of blood pressure thresholds versus predicted cardiovascular risk on subsequent rates of cardiovascular disease: a cohort study in English primary care. Lancet Healthy Longev. 2022;3(1):e22-e30.
Selak, V., Poppe, K., Chan, D., Grey, C., Harwood, M., Ameratunga, S., Hanchard S, Wells S, Kerr A, Lund M and Doughty, R. Identification of clinically relevant cohorts of people with heart failure from electronic health data in Aotearoa: potential, pitfalls and a plan. The New Zealand Medical Journal, 2022 135(1563), 96-104.
Wells, S., Y. Choi, R. Jackson, M. Parwaiz, S. Mehta, V. Selak, M. Harwood, C. Grey, N. Kerse and K. Poppe. Cardiovascular disease preventive medication dispensing for almost every New Zealander 65 years and over: a preventive treatment paradox? Age & Ageing 2022;51(1).
Poppe KK, Wells S, Jackson R, Doughty RN, Kerr AJ. Predicting cardiovascular disease risk across the atherosclerotic disease continuum. European journal of preventive cardiology. 2022;28(18):2010-7.
Dobson, R. Baty, C. Best, G. Wells, S. Wang, K. Hallett, K. Andrew, P. Whittaker, R. Digital solutions for providing patients access to hospital-held health information: what are the design issues that need to be addressed? New Zealand Medical Journal. Vol. 135 No. 1556: 10 June 2022: 114-123.
Barnes, L. A., A. Eng, M. Corbin, H. J. Denison, A. t Mannetje, S. Haslett, D. McLean, L. Ellison-Loschmann, R. Jackson and J. Douwes. Ischaemic Heart Disease and Occupational Exposures: A Longitudinal Linkage Study in the General and Māori Populations of New Zealand. Annals of work exposures and health. 2022;66(4):433-46.
S Fitzsimons, KK Poppe, YC Choi, G Devlin, M Lund, CS Lam, R Troughton, AM Richards, R Doughty. Relationship between soluble transferring receptor and clinical outcomes in patients with heart failure according to ejection fraction phenotype: The New Zealand PEOPLE study. J Cardiac Failure 2022; 28(8):1255-1263.
Neumann, J. T., L. T. P. Thao, E. Callander, E. Chowdhury, J. D. Williamson, M. R. Nelson, G. Donnan, R. L. Woods, C. M. Reid, K. K. Poppe, R. Jackson, A. M. Tonkin, and J. J. McNeil. Cardiovascular risk prediction in healthy older people. GeroScience. 2022;44(1):403-13.
Chan, D. Z., Kerr, A., Grey, C., Selak, V., Lee, M. A. W., Lund, M., Poppe, K & Doughty, R. N. Contrasting trends in heart failure incidence in younger and older New Zealanders, 2006–2018. Heart, 2022; 108(4), 300-306.
Barbieri, S., S. Mehta, B. Wu, C. Bharat, K. Poppe, L. Jorm and R. Jackson. Predicting cardiovascular risk from national administrative databases using a combined survival analysis and deep learning approach. Int J Epidemiol. 2022;51(3):931-44.
Tane, T., Selak, V., Eggleton, K., & Harwood, M. Understanding the barriers and facilitators that influence access to quality cardiovascular care for rural Indigenous peoples: protocol for a scoping review. BMJ open, 2022: 12(12), e065685.
Wu, Z., A. P. Pilbrow, O. W. Liew, J. P. C. Chong, J. Sluyter, L. K. Lewis, M. Lasse, C. M. Frampton, R. Jackson, K. Poppe, C. A. Camargo, Jr., V. A. Cameron, R. Scragg and A. M. Richards . Circulating cardiac biomarkers improve risk stratification for incident cardiovascular disease in community dwelling populations. EBioMedicine. 2022;82:104170.
Mehta, S., J. Zhao, K. Poppe, A. J. Kerr, S. Wells, D. J. Exeter, V. Selak, C. Grey, and R. Jackson. Cardiovascular preventive pharmacotherapy stratified by predicted cardiovascular risk: a national data linkage study. European journal of preventive cardiology. 2022;28(17):1905-13.
Foo FS, Poppe KK, Lee M, Clare GC, Stiles MK, Looi KL, et al. Regional variation in cardiac implantable electronic device implants trends in New Zealand over the past decade (ANZACS-QI 54). Internal medicine journal. 2022;52:1035-47.
Conference / hui / fono presentations 2022/2023
Wells S, Invited presentation CVD preventive medication dispensing for people aged 65+ years in Aotearoa New Zealand- a prevention paradox. : CSANZ Annual Conference June 2023, Auckland
J Liang, R Jackson, R Pylypchuk, K Poppe. Updating cardiovascular disease risk prediction equations to account for lipid lowering treatment drop-in during follow up: a national data-linkage cohort. Presentation 2023 European Society of Cardiology Conference
A Holt, B Batinica, J Liang, M Lamberts, R Jackson, K Poppe. Cardiovascular risk prediction in a New Zealand cohort of patients with known cardiovascular disease: a regional individual patient-level data linkage study. Presentation 2023 European Society of Cardiology Conference
Jackson R. Big data on CVD is driving clinical outcomes in NZ. Invited presentation: Precision Public Health Asia Conference , Singapore, 13 July 2023.
Jackson R. The NZ PREDICT Study. Invited presentation: CSANZ Annual Conference, Adelaide, SA, Australia, 4th August 2023.
Jackson R. Pre-screening the NZ population with AI-generated CVD risk prediction algorithms. Invited presentation: Co:Lab Annual Conference, Wellington, NZ, 20th September 2023.
Poppe K. The untapped potential of all that data we collect: invited speaker, Health Informatics New Zealand – Allied Health meeting, Rotorua, December 2022
Jackson R. CVD risk in people with diabetes: Invited Speaker, Goodfellow Symposium, New Zealand (online), March 2022.
Jackson R. Beyond hypertension: invited keynote speaker , Annual Conference for General Practice (GP22), Christchurch, July 2022.
Poppe K. The untapped potential of imaging data: invited speaker, Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand Annual Scientific Meeting, Gold Coast, August 2022
Jackson R. CVD risk in people with diabetes: invited Speaker at Amgen Cardiometabolic Assembly (Virtual Conference, Australia) 30 July 2022
Jackson R. CVD risk prediction: From Framingham to NZ to Australia: Invited speaker. Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM), Broadbeach, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia, August 2022.
Harwood M. Mending the heart-breaking: Invited Speaker, Goodfellow Symposium, New Zealand (online) March 2022.
Bennett EK, Poppe K, Rahiri JL, MacCormick AD, Tenbensel T, Selak V. Variation in publicly funded bariatric surgery in New Zealand by ethnicity: cohort study of 328,739 patients. Surg Obes Relat Dis. 2021;17(7):1286-93.
Pylypchuk R, Wells S, Kerr A, Poppe K, Harwood M, Mehta S, et al. Cardiovascular risk prediction in type 2 diabetes before and after widespread screening: a derivation and validation study. Lancet. 2021;397(10291):2264-74.
Tse WC, Grey C, Harwood M, Jackson R, Kerr A, Mehta S, et al. Risk of major bleeding by ethnicity and socioeconomic deprivation among 488,107 people in primary care: a cohort study. BMC cardiovascular disorders. 2021;21(1):206.
Butchard M, Kerr AJ, Grey C, Wu B, Hider P. Nationwide dispensing of cardioprotective medications during the first year following acute coronary syndrome (ANZACS-QI 56). The New Zealand medical journal. 2021;134(1531):36-54.
Chan D, Doughty RN, Lund M, Lee M, Poppe K, Kerr AJ. Prognostic significance of mid-range ejection fraction following acute coronary syndrome (ANZACS-QI 23). The New Zealand medical journal. 2021;134(1528):57-78.
Chan DZL, Kerr AJ, Doughty RN. Temporal trends in the burden of heart failure. Intern Med J. 2021;51(8):1212-8. Earle NJ, Poppe KK, Rolleston A, Devlin G, Kerr AJ, Legget ME, et al. Outcomes for working age patients after first-time acute coronary syndrome – ANZACS-QI 35. Int J Cardiol. 2021;328:55-8.
Ho CY, Lee M, El-Jack S, Barr P, Simmonds M, Devlin G, et al. How common are non-acute coronary syndrome (ACS) diagnoses in patients with suspected ACS investigated with coronary angiography in New Zealand? (ANZACS-QI 58). The New Zealand medical journal. 2021;134(1537):43-55.
Maddison R, Jiang Y, Stewart R, Scott T, Kerr A, Whittaker R, et al. An Intervention to Improve Medication Adherence in People With Heart Disease (Text4HeartII): Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth. 2021;9(6):e24952.
Muniandy A, Lee M, Grey C, Ferrier K, Kerr AJ. Demographic differences in the initiation and maintenance of statins in the first year post ACS in New Zealand: a data linkage study (ANZACS-QI 57). The New Zealand medical journal. 2021;134(1534):31-45.
Pasupathy S, Lindahl B, Litwin P, Tavella R, Williams MJA, Air T, et al. Survival in Patients With Suspected Myocardial Infarction With Nonobstructive Coronary Arteries: A Comprehensive Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis From the MINOCA Global Collaboration. Circ Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes. 2021;14(11):e007880.
Stewart RAH, Jones P, Dicker B, Jiang Y, Smith T, Swain A, et al. High flow oxygen and risk of mortality in patients with a suspected acute coronary syndrome: pragmatic, cluster randomised, crossover trial. BMJ. 2021;372:n355.
Williams MJA, Lee M, Alfadhel M, Kerr AJ. Obesity and All Cause Mortality Following Acute Coronary Syndrome (ANZACS-QI 53). Heart Lung Circ. 2021;30(12):1854-62.
Tan EJ, Hayen A, Clarke P, Jackson R, Knight J, Hayes AJ. Trends in Ischaemic Heart Disease in Australia, 2001-2015: A Comparison of Urban and Rural Populations. Heart, lung & circulation. 2021.10.1016/j.hlc.2020.11.009 .
Parkin L, Williams S, Sharples K, Barson D, Horsburgh S, Jackson R, et al. Dual versus single long-acting bronchodilator use could raise acute coronary syndrome risk by over 50%: A population-based nested case-control study. J Intern Med. 2021.10.1111/joim.13348.
Parkin L, Williams S, Barson D, Sharples K, Horsburgh S, Jackson R, et al. Is the use of two versus one long-acting bronchodilator by patients with COPD associated with a higher risk of acute coronary syndrome in real-world clinical practice? BMJ open respiratory research. 2021;8(1).
Liang J, Pylypchuk R, Tang X, Shen P, Liu X, Chen Y, et al. Rationale, design and population description of the CREDENCE study: cardiovascular risk equations for diabetes patients from New Zealand and Chinese electronic health records. Eur J Epidemiol. 2021.10.1007/s10654-021-00795-9.
Jackson R, Wells S. Time to remove hypertension from our vocabulary? Lancet. 2021;398(10305):1023-5.
Hassannejad R, Mansourian M, Marateb H, Mohebian MR, Gaziano TA, Jackson RT, et al. Developing Non-Laboratory Cardiovascular Risk Assessment Charts and Validating Laboratory and Non-Laboratory-Based Models. Global heart. 2021;16(1):58.
Christensen DM, Phelps M, Gerds T, Malmborg M, Schjerning A-M, Strange JE, et al. Prediction of first cardiovascular disease event in 2.9 million individuals using Danish administrative healthcare data: a nationwide, registry-based derivation and validation study. European Heart Journal Open. 2021;1(2).10.1093/ehjopen/oeab015.
Barbieri S, Mehta S, Wu B, Bharat C, Poppe K, Jorm L, et al. Predicting cardiovascular risk from national administrative databases using a combined survival analysis and deep learning approach. Int J Epidemiol. 2021.10.1093/ije/dyab258.
Chan D, Doughty R, Lund M, Lee M, Kerr AJ. Target Doses of Secondary Prevention Medications Are Not Being Achieved in Patients With Reduced Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction After Acute Coronary Syndrome (ANZACS-QI 34). Heart Lung Circ. 2020 Sep;29(9):1386-1396. doi: 10.1016/j.hlc.2020.03.013. Epub 2020 Apr 13.
Chan D, Doughty Rob, Mazengarb J, McLachlan A, Kerr AJ. Heart failure clinics improve use of evidence-based heart failure therapies in patients with reduced ejection fraction following acute coronary syndrome (ANZACS-QI 48). N Z Med J. 2020 Jun 12;133(1516):58-71.
Jensen AE, Sondergaard J, Kjaer NK, Jackson R, Nielsen JB. Danish Evaluation of Your Heart Forecast (DANY): study protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial on an interactive risk-communication tool aimed at improving adherence of patients with high blood pressure. Trials. 2020 Jan 3;21(1):11. doi: 10.1186/s13063-019-3886-2.
Kerr A. Shuker C. Devlin G. Transparency in the year of COVID-19 means tracking and publishing performance in the whole health system: progress on the public reporting of acute coronary syndrome data in New Zealand. N Z Med J. 2020 Aug 21;133(1520):113-119.
Kerr AJ, Mitnala S, Lee M, White HD. Utilisation and Maintenance of High-Intensity Statins Following Acute Coronary Syndrome and Coronary Angiography: Opportunities to Improve Care (ANZACS-QI 26). N Z Med J. 2020 Mar 13;133(1511):21-40.
Looi J-L, Poppe K, Lee M, Gilmore J, Webster M, To A, Kerr AJ. A Score to differentiate Takotsubo syndrome from non-ST-elevation myocardial nfarction in women at the bedside. Open Heart 2020;7:e001197. doi:10.1136/openhrt-2019-001197
Looi J-L, Verryt T, McLeod P, Chan C, Pemberton J, Webster M, To A, Lee M, Kerr AJ. Incidence of Takotsubo syndrome vs acute myocardial infarction in New Zealand (ANZACS-QI 45). N Z Med J. 2020 Mar 13;133(1511):90-94.
Mazengarb J, Grey S, Lee M, Poppe K, Mehta S, Harwood M, Harrison W, Earle N, Jackson R, Kerr A. Inequity in one-year mortality after first myocardial infarction in Māori and Pacific patients: how much is associated with differences in modifiable clinical risk factors? (ANZACS-QI 49). N Z Med J. 2020 Sep 4;133(1521):40-54.
Pilmore HL, Xiong F, Choi Y, Poppe K, Lee M, Legget M, Kerr A. Impact of chronic kidney disease on mortality and cardiovascular outcomes after acute coronary syndrome: A nationwide data linkage study (ANZACS-QI 44). Nephrology (Carlton). Nephrology (Carlton). 2020 Jul;25(7):535-543. doi: 10.1111/nep.13703. Epub 2020 Mar 12.
Wallis K, Wells S, Selak V, Poppe K. Long-term follow-up of older people on diabetes medications: observational study using linked health databases. Aust J Prim Health. 2020 Aug;26(4):306-312. doi: 10.1071/PY19246.
Wang TKM, Grey C, Jiang Y, Jackson R, Kerr A. Contrasting Trends in Acute Coronary Syndrome Hospitalisation and Coronary Revascularisation in New Zealand 2006–2016: A National Data Linkage Study (ANZACS-QI 27). Heart Lung Circ. Heart Lung Circ. 2020 Sep;29(9):1375-1385. doi: 10.1016/j.hlc.2019.11.015. Epub 2019 Dec 11.
Wang TKM, Grey C, Jiang Y, Jackson R, Kerr A. Trends in length of stay following acute coronary syndrome hospitalisation in New Zealand 2006-2016: ANZACS-QI 32 study. N Z Med J. 2020 Jan 17;133(1508):29-42.
Wang TKM, Grey C, Jiang Y, Jackson RT, Kerr AJ. Nationwide trends in acute coronary syndrome by subtype in New Zealand 2006–2016. Heart. 2020 Feb;106(3):221-227. doi: 10.1136/heartjnl-2019-315655. Epub 2019 Oct 31. [ANZACS-31]
Wang TKM, Grey C, Jiang Y, Selak V, Bullen C, Jackson RT, Kerr A. Trends in cardiovascular outcomes after acute coronary syndrome in New Zealand 2006–2016. Heart. 2020 Aug 21;heartjnl-2020-316891. doi: 10.1136/heartjnl-2020-316891. Online ahead of print.
Wang TKM, Kasargod C, Chan D, et al. Diagnostic coronary angiography and percutaneous coronary intervention practices in New Zealand: The All New Zealand Acute Coronary Syndrome-Quality Improvement CathPCI registry 3-year study (ANZACS-QI 37). Int J Cardiol. 2020;312:37-41. doi:10.1016/j.ijcard.2020.02.063
Wells S, Pylypchuk R, Mehta S, Kerr A, Selak V, Poppe K, Grey C, Jackson R. Performance of CVD risk equations for older patients assessed in general practice: a cohort study. N Z Med J. 2020 Jun 26;133(1517):32-55.
Yao-Cheng Ho C, Nunn C, White J, Kerr A, Lee M. Atrial fibrillation in acute coronary syndrome: patient characteristics and appropriate utilisation of anti-thrombotic therapy in New Zealand (ANZACS-QI 39). N Z Med J. 2020 Jul 31;133(1519):41-54.
Briffa TG, Jorm L, Jackson RT, Reid C, Chew DP. Nationally linked data to improve health services and policy. Med J Aust. 2019 Nov;211(9):397-398.e1. doi: 10.5694/mja2.50368. Epub 2019 Oct 17.
Chan D, Ghazali S, Selak V, Lee M, Scott T, Kerr A. What is the Optimal Rate of Invasive Coronary Angiography After Acute Coronary Syndrome? (ANZACS-QI 22). Heart, Lung & Circulation. 2019; 02:02.
Cunningham R, Poppe K, Peterson D, Every-Palmer S, Soosay I, Jackson R. Prediction of cardiovascular disease risk among people with severe mental illness: A cohort study. PLoS One. 2019 Sep 18;14(9):e0221521. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0221521. eCollection 2019.
Foo FS, Lee M, Heaven D, Lever N, Sinclair S, Stiles MK, Harding S, Boddington D, Larsen P, Jackson R, Kerr AJ. Completeness of ANZACS-QI Cardiac Implanted DEVICE Registry and agreement with national datasets: ANZACS-QI 30. New Zealand Medical Journal. 2019 Aug 16;132(1500):40-49.
Foo FS, Lee M, Looi KL, Larsen P, Clare GC, Heaven D, Stiles MK, Voss J, Boddington D, Jackson R, Kerr AJ; ANZACS‐QI investigators. Implantable cardioverter defibrillator and cardiac resynchronization therapy use in New Zealand (ANZACS-QI 33). J Arrhythm. 2019 Oct 6;36(1):153-163. doi: 10.1002/joa3.12244. eCollection 2020 Feb.
Grey C, Jackson R, Wells S, Wu B, Poppe K, Harwood M, Sundborn G, Kerr AJ. Trends in ischaemic heart disease: patterns of hospitalisation and mortality rates differ by ethnicity (ANZACS-QI 21). New Zealand Medical Journal. 2018; 131:21-31.
Herrett E, Gadd S, Jackson R, et al. Eligibility and subsequent burden of cardiovascular disease of four strategies for blood pressure-lowering treatment: a retrospective cohort study. Lancet. 2019 Aug 24;394(10199):663-671. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(19)31359-5. Epub 2019 Jul 25.
Hu F, Warren J, Exeter DJ. Interrupted time series analysis on first cardiovascular disease hospitalization for adherence to lipid-lowering therapy. Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf. 2020 Feb;29(2):150-160. doi: 10.1002/pds.4916. Epub 2019 Dec 1.
Kasargod C, Devlin G, Lee M, White HD, Kerr AJ. Prescribing Performance Post-Acute Coronary Syndrome Using a Composite Medication Indicator: ANZACS-QI 24. Heart, Lung & Circulation. 2019; 20:20.
Kerr AJ, Lee M, Jiang Y, Grey C, Wells S, Williams M, Jackson R, Poppe K. High level of capture of coronary intervention and associated acute coronary syndromes in the all New Zealand acute coronary syndrome quality improvement cardiac registry and excellent agreement with national administrative datasets (ANZACS-QI 25). New Zealand Medical Journal. 2019; 132:19-29.
Kerr A, Lee M, Grey C, Pegg T, Fisher N, White H, Nunn C, Williams M, Smyth D, Scott T, Chen R, Zhao J, Tun TR, Harwood M, Devlin G. Acute reperfusion for ST-elevation myocardial infarction in New Zealand (2015-2017): patient and system delay (ANZACS-QI 29). New Zealand Medical Journal. 2019; 132:41-59.
Kerr A, Wells S, Moffitt A, et al. A unified national cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk generator is required to address equity in the management of CVD risk in clinical practice in New Zealand. N Z Med J. 2019 Aug 16;132(1500):89-94.
Kjærulff TM, Bihrmann K, Zhao J, Exeter D, Gislason G, Larsen ML, Ersbøll AK. Acute myocardial infarction: Does survival depend on geographical location and social background? Eur J Prev Cardiol. 2019 May 24:2047487319852680. doi: 10.1177/2047487319852680. [Epub ahead of print].
Looi J-L, Lee M, Webster MWI, To ACY, Kerr AJ. Postdischarge outcome after Takotsubo syndrome compared with patients post-ACS and those without prior CVD: ANZACS-QI 19. Open Heart 2018;5:e000918. doi:10.1136/openhrt-2018-000918.
Mehta, S, Jackson, R, Exeter, DJ, Wu, BP, Wells, S, and Kerr, AJ. Data Resource: Vascular Risk in Adult New Zealanders (VARIANZ) datasets. International Journal of Data Science. 2019. DOI Published online: Sep 2, 2019.
NCD Risk Factor Collaboration (NCD-RisC). Long-term and recent trends in hypertension awareness, treatment, and control in 12 high-income countries: an analysis of 123 nationally representative surveys. Lancet. 2019 Aug 24;394(10199):639-651. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(19)31145-6. Epub 2019 Jul 18.
Pennells L, Kaptoge S, Wood A, et al. Equalization of four cardiovascular risk algorithms after systematic recalibration: individual-participant meta-analysis of 86 prospective studies. Eur Heart J. 2019 Feb 14;40(7):621-631. doi: 10.1093/eurheartj/ehy653.
Poppe KK, Doughty RN, Wells S, Wu B, Earle NJ, Richards AM, Troughton R, Jackson R, Kerr A. Development and validation of a cardiovascular risk score for patients in the community after acute coronary syndrome. Heart. 2020 Apr;106(7):506-511. doi: 10.1136/heartjnl-2019-315809. Epub 2019 Dec 10.
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Harwood, M. Ethnic differences in cardiovascular risk profiles in New Zealand primary care: Māori leadership required to achieve equity. Pacific Rim Indigenous Doctors Conference in Hawaii, July 15 2018.
Mehta S, Jackson R, S W, Harrison J, Exeter D, Kerr A. Cardiovascular medication changes over 5 years in a national data linkage study: implications for risk prediction models. Clinical Epidemiology 2018; 10: 133-41
Mehta S, Jackson R, Pylypchuk R, Poppe K, Wells S, Kerr A. Development and validation of alternative cardiovascular risk prediction equations for population health planning: a routine health data linkage study of 1.7 million New Zealanders. Int J Epidemiol 2018: 1-14.
Poppe K, Doughty RN, Harwood M, Barberb A, Harrison J, Jackson R, Wells S. Identification, risk assessment, and management of patients with atrial fibrillation in a large primary care cohort. Int J Cardiol 2018;254:119–124.
Poppe KK, Doughty RN, Harwood M, Barber PA, Harrison J, Jackson R, Wells S. Cardiovascular risk assessment, management and clinical outcomes in patients with atrial fibrillation in the community. Int J Cardiol 2018;254C:119-124.
Pylypchuk R, Wells S, Kerr A, Poppe K, Riddell T, Harwood M, Exeter D, Mehta S, Grey C, Wu BP, Metcalf P, Warren J, Harrison J, Marshall R, Jackson R. Cardiovascular disease risk prediction equations in 400 000 primary care patients in New Zealand: a derivation and validation study. Lancet 2018:391 (10133):1897-1907.
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Wells S, Poppe K, Selak V, Kerr A, Pylypchuk R, Wu B, Chan WC, Grey C, Mehta S, Gentles DG, Jackson R. Is general practice identification of prior cardiovascular disease at the time of CVD risk assessment accurate and does it matter? N Z Med J. 2018 May 18;131(1475):10-20
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Grey C, Jackson R, Schmidt M, et al. One in four major ischaemic heart disease events are fatal and 60% are pre-hospital deaths: a national data-linkage study. Eur Heart J 2017; 38(8): 172-80
Jackson R, Kerr A, Wells S. ‘Should we reconsider the role of age in treatment allocation for primary prevention of cardiovascular disease?’ No, but we can improve risk communication metrics. Eur Heart J 2017; 38(20): 1548-52
Kerr AJ, Williams M, White H, Grey C, Jiang Y, Nunn C, on behalf of the ANZACS-QI investigators. 30-day mortality after percutaneous coronary intervention in New Zealand public hospitals (ANZACS-QI 18). NZ Med J. 2017;130(1459)
Knight J, Wells S, Marshall R, Exeter D, Jackson R. Developing a synthetic national population to investigate the impact of different cardiovascular disease risk management strategies: a derivation and validation study. PLoS ONe 2017. Epub April 6.
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Metcalf PA, Kyle C, Kenealy T, Jackson RT. HbA1c in relation to incident diabetes and diabetes-related complications in non-diabetic adults at baseline. Diabetes & its Complications 2017. doi:
Poppe K, Doughty RN, Wells S, Gentles D; Hemingway H; Jackson R; Kerr AJ. Developing and validating a cardiovascular risk score for patients in the community with prior cardiovascular disease. Heart 2017;23:23. Available from
Rabanal KS, Meyera HE, Tell GS, Igland J, Pylypchuk R, Mehta S, Kumar B, Jenum AK, Selmer RM, Jackson R. Can traditional risk factors explain the higher risk of cardiovascular disease in South Asians compared to Europeans in Norway and New Zealand? Two cohort studies. BMJ Open 2017;7:e016819. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2017-016819
Robinson T, Jackson R, Wells S, Kerr A, Marshall R. An observational study of how clinicians use cardiovascular risk assessment to inform statin prescribing decisions. N Z Med J 2017; 130(1463): 28-38
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Shah A, Thornley S, Chung S-C, Denaxas S, Jackson R, Hemingway H. White cell count in the normal range and short-term and long-term mortality: international comparisons of electronic health record cohorts in England and New Zealand. BMJ Open 2017; 7(2):e013100
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Barr P, Smyth D, Harding SA, El-Jack S, Williams MJA, Devlin G, Stewart J, Flynn C, Lee M, Kerr AJ. Variation in Arterial Access for Invasive Coronary Procedures in NewZealand: A national analysis (ANZACS-QI 5). Heart, Lung and Circulation. Published online November 02, 2016. Available from
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Grey C, Jackson R, Wells S, Randall D, Harwood M, Mehta S, Exeter DJ, Kerr AJ. Ethnic Differences in Coronary Revascularisation following an Acute Coronary Syndrome in New Zealand: A National Data-linkage Study (ANZACS-QI 12). Heart Lung Circ. 2016 Aug;25(8):820-8
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Jackson R, Kerr A, Wells S. ‘Should we reconsider the role of age in treatment allocation for primary prevention of cardiovascular disease?’ No, but we can improve risk communication metrics. Eur Heart J. 2017 May 21;38(20):1548-1552
Kerr A, Williams MJ, White H, Doughty R, Nunn C, Devlin G, Grey C, Lee M, Flynn C, Rhodes M, Sutherland K, Wells S, Jackson R, Stewart R. The All New Zealand Acute Coronary Syndrome Quality Improvement Programme: Implementation, Methodology and Cohorts (ANZACS-QI 9). NZ Med J. 2016;129(1439):23-36
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Mehta S, Wells S, Jackson R, Harrison J, Kerr A. The effect of removing funding restrictions for atorvastatin differed across sociodemographic groups among New Zealanders hospitalised with cardiovascular disease: a national data linkage study. N Z Med J. 2016 Oct 14;129(1443):18-29
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Selak V, Bullen C, Stepien S, Arroll B, Bots M, Bramley D, Cass A, Grobbee D, Hillis GS, Molanus B, Neal B, Patel P, Rafter N, Rodgers A, Thom S, Tonkin A, Ushwerwood T, Wadham A, Webster R. Do polypills lead to neglect of lifestyle risk factors? Findings from an individual participant data meta-analysis among 3140 patients at high risk of cardiovascular disease. Eur J Prev Card. First published on 4 March, 2016 as doi: 10.1177/2047487316638216
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Selak V, Harwood M, Elley CR, Bullen C, Wadham A, Parag V, Rafter N, Arroll B, Bramley D, Crengle S. Polypill-based therapy likely to reduce ethnic inequities in use of cardiovascular preventive medications; findings from a pragmatic randomised controlled trial. Eur J Prev Card. First published Feb 29, 2016 as doi:10.1177/2047487316637196
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Voss WB, Lee M, Devlin GP, Kerr AJ. Incidence and type of bleeding complications early and late after acute coronary syndrome admission in a New Zealand cohort (ANZACS-QI-7). N Z Med J. 2016; 129:27-38
Warin B, Exeter D, Zhao J, Kenealy T, Wells S. Geography matters: the prevalence of diabetes in the Auckland Region by age, gender and ethnicity. N Z Med J 2016;129(1436):25-38
Webster R, Patel A, Selak V, Billot L, Bots ML, Brown A, Bullen C, Cass A, Crengle S, Elley CR, Grobbee DE, Neal B, Peiris D, Poulter N, Prabhakaran D, Rafter N, Stanton A, Stepien S, Thom S, Usherwood T, Wadham A, Rodgers A. Effectiveness of fixed dose combination medication (‘polypills’) compared with usual care in patients with cardiovascular disease or at high risk: A prospective, individual patient data meta-analysis of 3140 patients in six countries. Int J Cardiol 2016; 2015:147-56
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Barr P, Smyth D, Harding SA, El-Jack S, Williams MJA, Devlin G, Stewart J, Flynn C, Lee M, Kerr AJ. Variation in Arterial Access for Invasive Coronary Procedures in NewZealand: A national analysis (ANZACS-QI5). Heart, Lung and Circulation. Published online November 02, 2015. Available from
Exeter DJ, Moss L, Zhao J, Kyle C, Riddell T, Jackson R, Wells S. The distribution and frequency of blood lipid testing by socio-demographic status among adults in Auckland, New Zealand. J Prim Health Care. 2015;7(3):182-191
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Grey C, Jackson R, Schmidt M, Ezzati M, Asaria P, Exeter DJ, Kerr AJ. One in four major ischaemic heart disease events are fatal and 60% are pre-hospital deaths: a national data-linkage study (ANZACS-QI 8). Eur Heart J. Published online 29 October 2015. Available from
Grey C, Jackson R, Exeter D, Kerr A. What proportion of deaths from ischaemic heart disease occur pre-hospital? An ANZACS-QI national data-linkage study. Heart, Lung and Circulation. 2015;24(2):S77
Mehta S, Jackson R, Harrison J, Kerr A. Removal of Special Authority requirements for clopidogrel improved optimal care following percutaneous coronary intervention across sociodemographic groups. N Z Med J. 2015;128(1411):34-42
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Turaga M, Kerr AJ, Devlin G, Lee M, Grey C. Statin use after Acute Coronary Syndrome, from discharge to three years: the Middlemore and Waikato Hospital ANZACS-QI cohort. Heart, Lung and Circulation. 2015;24(2):S82-S83
Webster R, Patel A, Selak V, Billot L, Bots ML, Brown A, Bullen C, Cass A, Crengle S, Elley CR, Grobbee DE, Neal B, Peiris D, Poulter N, Prabhakaran D, Rafter N, Stanton A, Stepien S, Thom S, Usherwood T, Wadham A, Rodgers A. Effectiveness of fixed dose combination medication (‘polypills’) compared with usual care in patients with cardiovascular disease or at high risk: A prospective, individual patient data meta-analysis of 3140 patients in six countries. Int J Cardiol; 2015; 205:147-56. DOI:
Wells S, Riddell T, Kerr A, Pylypchuk R, Chelimo C, Marshall R, Exeter DJ, Mehta S, Harrison J, Kyle C, Grey C, Metcalf P, Warren J, Kenealy T, Drury PL, Harwood H, Bramley D, Gala G, Jackson R. Cohort Profile: The PREDICT Cardiovascular Disease Cohort in New Zealand Primary Care (PREDICT-CVD 19). Int J Epi 2015;doi: 10.1093/ije/dyv312
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Exeter D, Zhao J, Hanham G, Grey C, Wells S, Kerr AJ. Construction and use of mapping techniques to describe the geographical distribution of medication dispensing for the secondary prevention of atherosclerotic CVD in New Zealand: VIEW-2. N Z Med J. 2014;127(1400):70-80
Grey C, Jackson R, Wells S, Marshall R, Riddell T, Kerr AJ. Twenty-eight day and one-year case fatality after hospitalisation with an acute coronary syndrome: a nationwide data linkage study. Aust N Z J Publ Heal. 2014;38(3):216-220
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Grey C, Wells S, Exeter D, Hanham G, Zhao J, Kerr AJ. Stakeholder engagement for the New Zealand Atlas of Healthcare Variation: cardiovascular disease secondary prevention: VIEW-3. N Z Med J. 2014;127(1399):81-91
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Thornley S ; Marshall R; Jackson R; Gentles G; Dalbeth N; Crengle C; Kerr A; Wells S. Is serum urate causally associated with incident cardiovascular disease? Rheumatology. 2013;52 (1):135-142
Thornley S, Marshall R, Wells S, Jackson R. Using Directed Acyclic Graphs for Investigating Causal Paths for Cardiovascular Disease J Biom Biostat. 2013;4:182
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Robinson T, Elley CR, Wells S, Robinson E, Kenealy T, Pylypchuk R, Bramley D, Arroll A, Crengle S, Riddell T, Ameratunga S, Metcalf P, Drury P. New Zealand Diabetes Cohort Study cardiovascular risk score for people with type 2 diabetes: validation In the PREDICT cohort. J Prim Health Care. 2012;4(3):181-8
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Grey C, Wells S, Riddell T, Kerr A, Gentles D, Pylypchuk R, Marshall R, Ameratunga S, Drury P, Elley R, Kyle C, Exeter D, Jackson R. A comparative analysis of cardiovascular disease risk factor profiles of five Pacific ethnic groups assessed in New Zealand primary care practice: PREDICT CVD-13. N Z MED J. 2010;123(1325):41-52
Grey C, Wells S, Riddell T, Kerr A, Gentles D, Pylypchuk R, Marshall R, Ameratunga S, Drury P, Elley R, Kyle C, Exeter D, Jackson R. A comparative analysis of the cardiovascular disease risk factor profiles of Pacific peoples and Europeans living in New Zealand assessed in routine primary care: PREDICT CVD-11. N Z MED J. 2010;123(1309):3987
Jackson R, Kerr A, Wells S. Is estimating lifetime cardiovascular risk useful? No, but forecasting short term risk throughout life is. Br Med J. 2010;341:62-3
Kerr A, Looi J- L,Garofalo D, Wells S and McLachlan A. Acute Predict: A Clinician-Led Cardiovascular Disease Quality Improvement Project (PREDICT-CVD 12). Heart Lung Circ. 2010;19:378-383
McLachlan A, Wells S, Furness S, Jackson R, Kerr A. Equity of access to CVD risk management using electronic clinical decision support in the coronary care unit. Eur J Cardiovasc Nursing. 2010;9:233-37
Riddell T, Wells S, Jackson R, Lee A-W, Crengle S, Bramley D, Ameratunga S, Pylypchuk R, Broad J, Marshall R, Kerr A. Performance of Framingham cardiovascular risk scores by ethnic groups in New Zealand:(PREDICT CVD–10). N Z Med J. 2010;123(1309):3980
Selak V, Elley C, Wells S, Rodgers A, Sharpe N. Aspirin for primary prevention: yes or no? J Prim Healthcare. 2010;2(2):92-99
Smith J, Jackson G, Orr-Walker B, Jackson R, Sinclair S, Thornley S, Riddell T, Chan WC. A population-based approach to the estimation of diabetes prevalence and health resource utilisation NZ Med J. 2010;123(1310):62-73.
Thornley S, Marshall R, Jackson G, Smith J, Cheuk Chan W, Wright C, Gentles D, Jackson R. Estimating diabetes prevalence in South Auckland: how accurate is a method that combines lists of linked health datasets? N Z Med J. 2010;123(1327):76-86
Wells S and Kerr A, Eadie S, Wiltshire C, Jackson R. ‘Your Heart Forecast’: a new approach for describing and communicating cardiovascular risk? Heart. 2010;96:708-13
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Wells S. All people over 75 years with a five-year CVD risk of >15% should be treated with statins unless specifically contra-indicated: yes. J Prim Healthcare. 2010;2:330-32
Jackson R, Marshall R, Kerr A, Riddell T, Wells S. QRISK or Framingham for predicting cardiovascular risk? BMJ. 2009;39:b2673
Jackson R. Attributing risk to hypertension: what does it mean? (Editorial). AJH. 2009;22:237-8.
Kerr A, Broad J, Wells S, Riddell T, Jackson R. Should the first priority in cardiovascular risk management be those with prior cardiovascular disease? HEART 2009;95(2):125-9
Qin X, Jackson R, Marshall R, Lee L, Cao W, Zhan S, Hu Y. Modelling the potential impact of population-wide and targeted high-risk blood pressure-lowering strategies on cardiovascular disease in China. Eur J Cardiovasc Prev Rehab. 2009;16:96-101.
Weiner M, Wells S, Kerse N. Perspectives of general practitioners towards evaluation and treatment of cardiovascular diseases among older people. J Prim Health Care. 2009;1(3):198-206
Cheuk Chan W, Wright C, Riddell T, Wells S, Kerr A, Gala G, Jackson R. Ethnic and socio-economic disparities in the prevalence of cardiovascular disease in New Zealand. NZ Med J. 2008;121(1285):33-41
Cheuk Chan W, Wright C, Tobias M, Mann S, Jackson R. Explaining trends in coronary heart disease hospitalisations in New Zealand: trend for admissions and incidence can be in opposite directions. Heart. 2008;94:1589-1593
Goodyear-Smith F, Arroll B, Chan L, Jackson R, Wells S, Kenealy T. Patients prefer pictures to numbers to express cardiovascular benefit from treatment.Ann Fam Med. 2008;6(3):213-7
Jackson R, Wells S, Rodgers A. Will screening individuals at high risk of cardiovascular events deliver large benefits? Yes. Br Med J. 2008;337:a1371
Jackson R. Cardiovascular risk prediction: are we there yet? (Editorial). Heart. 2008;94(1):1-3.
Kerr AJ, McLachlan A, Furness S, Broad J, Riddell T, Jackson R, Wells S. The burden of modifiable cardiovascular risk factors in the coronary care unit by age, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status–PREDICT CVD-9. N Z Med J. 2008;121(1285):20-33
Marshall R, Milne R, Jackson R. Quantifying the effect of age on short and long term case fatality in 14,000 incident cases of cardiovascular disease. Eur J Cardiovasc Prev Rehab. 2008;15:179-84.
Metcalf PA, Wells S, Scragg RKR, Jackson R. Comparison of three different methods of assessing cardiovascular disease risk in New Zealanders with Type 2 diabetes mellitus. N Z Med J. 2008;121(1281):49-57
Rafter N, Wells S, Stewart A, Selak V, Whittaker R, Bramley D, Roseman P, Furness S, Jackson R. Gaps in primary care documentation of cardiovascular risk factors. N Z Med J. 2008;121(1269):24-33
Riddell T, Kenealy T, Wells S, Jackson R, Broad J. Audit of Health Data Captured Routinely in Primary Healthcare for the Clinical Decision Support System PREDICT (PREDICT CVD-4). Healthcare and Informatics Review Online. 2008; Available from
Riddell T, Lindsay G, Kenealy T, Jackson R, Crengle S, Bramley D, Wells S, Marshall, R. The accuracy of ethnicity data in primary care and its impact on cardiovascular risk assessment and management. PREDICT CVD-8. N Z Med J. 2008;121(1281):40-8
Tobias M, Chan W, Wright C, Jackson R, Mann S, Yeh L-C. Can the incidence and prevalence of coronary heart disease be determined from routinely collected national data? Population-based estimates for New Zealand in 2001-03. ANZJPH. 2008;32:24-7.
Warren J, Gaikwad R, Mabotuwana T, Adnan M, Kenealy T, Plimmer B, Wells S, Roseman P, Cole K. The challenge of evaluating electronic decision support in the community. Healthcare and Informatics Review Online. 2008; Available from
Wells S, Furness S, Rafter N, Horn E, Whittaker R, Stewart A, Moodabe K, Roseman P, Selak V, Bramley D, Jackson R. Integrated electronic decision support increases cardiovascular disease risk assessment four fold in routine primary care practice. EUR J CARDIOV PREV. 2008;15(2):173-8
Wells S, Washbrook E, Erhardt L. Cardiovascular risk management series:2. Using guidelines as a framework for cardiovascular risk management. PRIM CARE CARDIOVASC J. 2008;1:77-86
Patients simply get a better deal with PREDICT – Announcement by the Royal Society of New Zealand, March 2008
Broad J, Wells S, Marshall R, Jackson R. Zero end-digit preference in recorded blood pressure and its impact on classification of patients for pharmacologic management in primary care: PREDICT-CVD-6. Br J Gen Pract. 2007;57(544):897-903
Jackson R, Wells S. Prediction is difficult, particularly about the future (Editorial). Arch Int Med. 2007;167:22876-87
Marshall R, Zhang Z, Broad J, Wells S. Agreement between ethnicity recorded in two New Zealand health databases: effects of discordance on cardiovascular outcome measures (PREDICT CVD-3). Aust N Z J Public Health. 2007;31(3):211–16
Riddell T, Jackson R, Wells S, et al. Assessing Māori/non-Māori differences in cardiovascular risk and risk management in routine primary care practice using web-based clinical decision support: (PREDICT CVD-2). N Z Med J. 2007;120(1250):2445
Wells S, Bycroft J, Lee A-W, Kenealy T, Riddell T, Roseman P, Moodabe K, Jackson R. Patterns of adoption and use of a web-based decision support system in primary care (PREDICT CVD 7). Healthcare and Informatics Review Online. 2007; Available from
Wells S, Kerr A, Broad J, Riddell T, Kenealy T, Jackson R, et al. The impact of New Zealand CVD risk chart adjustments for family history and ethnicity on eligibility for treatment (PREDICT CVD-5) N Z Med J. 2007;120(1261):U2712.
Bannink L, Wells S, Broad J, Riddell T, Jackson R. Web-based assessment of cardiovascular disease risk in routine primary care practice in New Zealand: the first 18,000 patients (PREDICT CVD-1). N Z Med J. 2006;119(1245):U2313
Jackson R, Lynch J, Harper S. Preventing coronary heart disease: does Rose’s prevention axiom still apply in the 21st century? (Editorial). Br Med J. 2006; 332:617-8.
Selak V, Wells S, Whittaker R, Stewart A. Smoking status recording in GP electronic records: the unrealised potential. Inform Prim Care. 2006;14:235–45
Wells S, Broad J, Jackson R. Estimated prevalence of cardiovascular disease and distribution of cardiovascular risk in New Zealanders: data for healthcare planners, funders, and providers. N Z Med J. 2006; 119(1232):1935-1942
Whittaker R, Bramley D, Wells S, Stewart A, Selak V, Furness S, Rafter N, Roseman P, Jackson R. Will a web-based cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk assessment programme increase the assessment of CVD risk factors for Maori? N Z Med J. 2006;119(1238):U2077
Jackson R, Lawes C, Bennett D, Milne R, Rodgers A. Treatment with drugs to lower blood pressure and blood cholesterol based on an individual’s absolute cardiovascular risk. Lancet. 2005; 365: 434-41.
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Volpe M, Alderman MH, Furberg CD, Jackson R, Kostis JB, Laragh JH, Psaty BM, Ruilope LM. Beyond Hypertension: Towards Guidelines for Cardiovascular Risk Reduction. Amer J Hypert. 2004; 17: 1068-74.
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Wells S, Broad J, Jackson R. Alcohol consumption and its contribution to the burden of coronary heart disease in middle-aged and older New Zealanders: a population-based case-control study. N Z Med J. 2004;117(1190):793-84.
Milne R, Gamble G, Whitlock G, Jackson R. Discriminative ability of a Framingham Heart study-derived risk prediction tool compared with single risk factors. NZ Med J. 2003;116(1185):/662.
Milne R, Gamble G, Whitlock G, Jackson R. Framingham Heart study risk equation predicts first cardiovascular event rates in New Zealanders at the population level. NZ Med J. 2003;116(1185):/663.
Nanchahal K, Duncan JR, Durrington PN, Jackson R. Analysis of predicted coronary heart disease risk in England based on Framingham study appraisal models published in 1991 and 2000. Br Med J. 2002; 325: 194-5.
Alderman MH, Furberg CD, Kostis JB, Laragh JH, Psaty BM, Ruilope LM, Volpe M, Jackson RT. Hypertension guidelines: criteria that might make them more clinically useful. Am J Hypertension. 2002;15:917-23.